The revolutionary alternative to braces for kids, teens and adults.
Aligners Explained.
Aligners have completely revolutionised orthodontic treatment with many potential benefits over braces. Although the concept of aligners has been around a lot longer, only recently has Invisalign brought aligners to the forefront of orthodontic treatment for kids, teens and adults, especially as computers and the internet have developed enough to support this technology.
How Do Aligners Work?
Aligners, such as Invisalign, are a series of clear plastic trays that fit around your teeth, with each tray slightly closer to the final result than the previous. This gently and accurately guides the teeth into the final position. By placing a small tooth coloured shape of resin (called an attachment) on all, or most, of the teeth, the aligners are able to produce incredibly accurate movements. Elastics can then be worn with the aligners to correct bites such as overbites and underbites.
Clear plastic trays that wrap around the teeth to guide them into position.
Elastic Rubber Bands
Rubber bands to help correct malaligned bites.
Tooth coloured resin shapes glued to the teeth to act as pressure points.
Power Chains
A chain of elastics o-rings to rotate teeth or close spaces.
Rounded hooks glued to the teeth to attach elastics to.
Power Ridges
Small indents in the aligners to apply pressure to the teeth.
Precision Cutouts
Laser cut shapes in the aligners to attach elastics to.
Tooth shaped areas in the tray to allow adult teeth to erupt
The Aligner Process.
Teeth requiring either attachments or buttons are cleaned and dried. Dental glue is then applied to each tooth and the attachments and/or buttons are applied. The glue is then cured with the light. The first aligner is then placed.
Starting Aligners.
After a round of aligners, a new scan is taken with your teeth in their new positions and the next round is then made. The number of refinements needed and the time between each refinement varies between patients.
Refinement Aligners.
Once all your teeth are aligned and the bite is right, your attachments and/or buttons can be removed. This is done by popping off buttons and polishing away the attachments and dental glue. After your teeth have been cleaned, they are then scanned as a final record. This allows your teeth to be 3D printed for night time retainers to be made.
Finishing Aligners.
Potential Benefits Of Aligners.
Aligners are generally a comfortable treatment that only exerts mild pressure tenderness with each aligner change.
Being both clear and removable, aligners are almost invisible. The attachments placed on the teeth are also very subtle.
You can essentially eat whatever you want during aligner treatment, as you take the aligners out when you eat and therefore don’t risk breaking them.
Aligners are taken out when you brush and floss your teeth, therefore it is much easier to keep your teeth clean compared to braces.